Vulnerabilities and Opportunities in SMS-Capable Cellular Networks

Prof. Patrick McDaniel (Pennsylvania State University)


Cellular networks are a critical component of the economic and social infrastructures in which we live. In addition to voice services, these networks deliver alphanumeric text messages to the vast majority of wireless subscribers. To encourage the expansion of this new service, telecommunications companies offer connections between their networks and the Internet. The ramifications of such connections, however, have not been fully recognized. In this talk, we evaluate the security impact of the SMS interface on the availability of the cellular phone network. Specifically, we demonstrate the ability to deny voice service to cities the size of Washington D.C. and Manhattan with little more than a cable modem. Moreover, attacks targeting the entire United States are feasible with resources available to medium-sized zombie networks. This analysis begins with an exploration of the structure of cellular networks. We then characterize network behavior and explore a number of reconnaissance techniques aimed at effectively targeting attacks on these systems. We conclude by discussing counter-measures that mitigate or eliminate the threats introduced by these attacks, and identify opportunities and requirements for the security infrastructure of the next generation cellular networks.


Patrick McDaniel is an Associate Professor in the Computer Science and Engineering Department at the Pennsylvania State University and co-director of the Systems and Internet Infrastructure Security Laboratory. Patrick's research efforts centrally focus on network, telecommunications, and systems security, language-based security, and technical and public policy issues in digital media. Patrick was awarded the National Science Foundation CAREER Award and has chaired several top conferences in security including, among others, the 2007 and 2008 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy and the 2005 USENIX Security Symposium. Patrick is the editor-in-chief of the ACM Journal Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT), and serves as associate editor of the journals ACM Transactions on Information and System Security and IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. Prior to pursuing his Ph.D. in 1996 at the University of Michigan, Patrick was a software architect and program manager in the telecommunications industry.